Thursday, September 24, 2009

BuSy, BuSy, BuSy

So its been a crazy couple months, weeks how ever long its been. I started a job that i am ending tomorrow. I am moving october 7, Could things get any crazier? i ask myself what can i do to kill some stress, to help me relax. Well there is a yoga, palaties place over by my current apt. and i want to see how much a membership would cost. I need to chill everyone and a while. I am currently watching the 2 hour season premmiear of greys anatomy. holy cow talk about excitement. umm i am not really sure what else to talk about so yeah


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's been a while since I last posted. I have been super busy with scouts and work and being a wife. I just applied to a job at the boy scout office thats about 30 min. from my house, therefore if i get the job we will more than likely move to a more central location, for both Sean and I.

I have decided what I want to go to school for. Cosmotology, I have wanted to go since my freshman year of h.s. and I am finally going to go through with it. It always helps to have support from loved ones. I am really excited.

In other news, Sean has started writing I am happy and excited for him. its something he loves doing and I support him. Its been hard to find things to entertain myself with but I am working on it and have started scrapbooking, i just need to get the rest of my wedding pictures. our lap top crashed and Best Buy wants to charge yus $100 to recover our stuff, so i hope we can get them back with the help of someone who knows what to do. *hint, hint* lol anyways I have been doing that and sanding and gonig to paint an only magazine rack and have fun with that and of course reading, and me time. oh yeah and cub scouts how could I forget that. well thats probably enough for tonight since its 10:30 shower than bed ;)

Love ya