I am at the in-between stage of pregnancy, I am not getting much of a belly, but i dont feel pregnant. In all honesty I worry about the baby since I am not puking to remind me or in better words prove to me that I am still pregnant. I just have to go off of faith and the fact that I haven't had any miscarriage signs. I know I am a worry wort, but this gives me a way to talk about it and not feel silly about worrying. Oh I love my Blog. Something else along those same lines, we haven't been getting baby stuff because Sean didn't want to get baby stuff and when we finally sat down and talked about it. He came clean and said that he was worried that something could still happen to the baby, and we would have baby stuff laying around the house. Now that we have talked about it and cleared the air, we have ok'ed the buying of baby stuff if found at a bargin, but with that said and done, it raised fears of my own that I had swallowed and ignored. The short being I have not even looked into baby bargins. I have simply asked people to donate to the bailey family(us)
Sean is still looking for work anywhere, his job is done in August, and I am due in September, So finding something is crucial at the moment. he is worried and him being worried worries me which isn't necessarily the best thing for me to do at this point. If you have any tips or leads for sean let us know thank.
Doctors appointment on friday, no ultrasound they will schedual one two weeks after that i will be 18 weeks and they will look for the sex and check the babies kidney functions.
I shall keep you updated :)
Bailey Famiy of 2.5