Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Marriage by definition is as follows: the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.
a blending or matching of different elements or components;

but by my definition hard work and endurance. No one ever said Loving someone unconditionally would be easy. Heck often I wonder if it is even worth the hard work that each side feels they put in and receive nothing in return (I am not necessarily talking about myself in full, I have talked to other husbands and wives that feel that they give and give and give and get very little in return. It goes both ways) and that is something that is often hard to cope with for some people. Me especially. Keep in mine I am not saying my husband does nothing because it is quite the opposite at times, I feel like I dont do enough for him. But its easy to get caught up in the normal need for people to expect something in return for doing something nice for other people. Sometimes a simple thank you might not feel like enough, when really we need to do things out of love and desire to make the person you are preforming the acts of SERVICE for happy or have a warm feeling of being loved. I realize this went from a needing to open my own eyes to the fact that the gospel lays the foundation for marriage if we follow the teachings and live our lives like we should be. HUH who knew that all it took was sitting down and writing you get an ahha moment. Anyways back to what i was saying. I know that serving people should be easy and we are taught that it is if we do it with a willing heart but how do we make our "hearts willing"

That is what I am currently working on in my own life.

1 comment:

  1. I totally feel you. There was also a talk this last conference that taught that trials are not meant to stress you out and upset you, they are meant to help you build faith and character. I'm trying to work on seeing trials as a faith-building opportunity, and it really makes me feel better about the hardships of marriage, student life, and being a mom. =)
