Saturday, June 26, 2010

third Tri-mester!!!

Holy Cow, I have come to a time that I never thought would come when I started this pregnancy. I have enjoyed my second trimester, I love watching my belly grow and seeing how much weight I have gained. CRAVINGS I have craved so far doughnuts, and french toast. I am sure there are other things but those are the most recent things. I love learning his schedules when it comes to moving and what not. he is a pretty good baby so far. he sleeps when I do and kickes when I am awake, I love it, if only I knew it would stay like that.

I personally have bought him 2 onsies an 80 dollar crib and a 50 dollar changing table. It is still really wierd and exciting in so many different ways. Its almost overwhelming. Sean (I think) enjoys feeling him kick.

I worry that i wont be a good enough mommy or I wont know what to do in the middle of the night when he is crying and I cant figure out why. Even with all the "training" I have had working with kids I know its going to be different with one of my own that I have all day every day.

I hope you enjoyed the peak into my life.... We are still in need of stuff Thanks

Jordan, Sean and Jaden