Wednesday, July 7, 2010

28 weeks and counting...

Irrational or Rational? that's on my mind today. going into my 3rd trimester I am so freaked out that I wont know when my water breaks or I wont know when I need to call my Dr. or anything like that. I think that my worrying about things like that makes me feel icky because I am stressing out about the small things. I guess I would just like some insight from moms that have been where I am to help calm my fears.

The fourth of July was fun, we got together with some good friends on saturday night and watched the firework display that the city puts on. It was so amazing. On sunday, we had some friends over for dinner and listened to the fireworks from our house, the mosquitos were too bad to sit outside. after the hurricane they came out and have swormed the valley.

On the job front, still nothing yet. there might be a job in the works for the fall, that is if the law firm decides to hire in the fall. If not I am not quite sure what we will do. There are some ideas up in the air but as of yet we haven't decided on anything for sure.

If the job down here decides to hire in the fall I am going to go back to school for sign language interpreting, and the good news is that now that I have Texas residency its affordable even without financial aid. but they do provide daycare assistance. I don't like the idea of putting Jaden in daycare so young but I do need to get my degree and if I do it now it might be easier on him. but then again breast feeding is off the list.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it


  1. Trust me, you will KNOW when your water breaks. Think Niagraa Falls. And as for when to call your doctor - whenever you feel like you need to. Don't be afraid to call even just to ask a question. Remember, they are paid a lot of money for you to call and ask questions. And for labor, the general rule 5-1-1. Go to the hospital when your contractions are 5 minutes apart, lasting about a minute each (could be a little more or a little less) and stay like that for at least an hour.

    And breastfeeding isn't off the list with daycare! You can breastfeed when you have him with you, and pump for when he's in daycare! As long as you establish good breastfeeding in the first few days or first few weeks, he won't get nipple confusion.

  2. My water didn't break with either of mine. It's a lot more common than you'd think. :) The real thing will be a little different than the BH though, in that they won't stop like BH, and will (ideally) get stronger as time goes on. :) Your stomach will get hard and tight and last up to a minute. And especially at first they may not really be anything more than that tightening. 5 minutes apart is a pretty good time to call and leave for the hospital.

    For the pain though, seriously, send me your address and I will send you my hypnobabies program. It works GREAT for BH and for sleeping better, and for keeping calm during the actual birth process. All you have to do is listen to a cd for about 20 minutes a day. You can even just do it as you're going to sleep. You don't even have to be awake! Having done it both ways, I COMPLETELY prefer the hypnosis! 100 times better!

    I second that BF isn't out w/ daycare. Depending on your class schedule, it may be possible to get him on a schedule where he won't miss a feeding from you while you're in class or only 1 or 2 each day you have class. You can pump and have it there for him to eat there, or just do formula for that/those feeding/s. It's useful for them to learn to eat both ways anyway!

    You really will be fine though. You'll find what works best for your baby and your family. :) SO EXCITED!
