Marriage by definition is as follows: the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.
a blending or matching of different elements or components;
but by my definition hard work and endurance. No one ever said Loving someone unconditionally would be easy. Heck often I wonder if it is even worth the hard work that each side feels they put in and receive nothing in return (I am not necessarily talking about myself in full, I have talked to other husbands and wives that feel that they give and give and give and get very little in return. It goes both ways) and that is something that is often hard to cope with for some people. Me especially. Keep in mine I am not saying my husband does nothing because it is quite the opposite at times, I feel like I dont do enough for him. But its easy to get caught up in the normal need for people to expect something in return for doing something nice for other people. Sometimes a simple thank you might not feel like enough, when really we need to do things out of love and desire to make the person you are preforming the acts of SERVICE for happy or have a warm feeling of being loved. I realize this went from a needing to open my own eyes to the fact that the gospel lays the foundation for marriage if we follow the teachings and live our lives like we should be. HUH who knew that all it took was sitting down and writing you get an ahha moment. Anyways back to what i was saying. I know that serving people should be easy and we are taught that it is if we do it with a willing heart but how do we make our "hearts willing"
That is what I am currently working on in my own life.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
1 month old
My handsome little man is one month on friday the 8th. I cant believe its been a month already. I love him so much. Logan and I are going on vacation with sean to st. Louis I am super excited but nervous at the same time. I have only flown once ever in my life and i was like 10 so I had someone with me at all times, but this time I have to do it alone, with my son. I am anxious about changing planes in houston and taking a taxi (which I have never done either) to the hotel sean is staying in with all of our gear. (ie: pack and play, stroller, and carseat plus my luggage) Not to mention Logans little ears will probably hurt during lift off and arrival. I am thinking i will give him some tylonal before we go on the plane. I will probably just find someone who is going to the same place as me, and just stick with them during the plane change.
I ordered a sling, to use with him on the trip and I am so stinking excited.
it will help with brest feeding and just being comfy when we are out and about.
this weekend sean and I are taking logan to the corn maze out here to take pictures and going on a hay ride. again I am super excited.
Last night logan and I got in the shower with sean just to see how he would react since he didnt like his toes in the pool yesterday, and hasnt liked the baths but he was calm while we were in the shower he was pressed up against me and it was proab
Monday, September 13, 2010
Logan Michaels Bailey
Arrived on Wednesday morning at 5 am. I was induced at 8:30pm on Tuesday night and delivered him 10 hours later. He was 7.52lbs and 19.5in long. He is a beautiful baby boy, and I am not just saying that because I am his mom.
Logan came home on Thursday night and we have been trying to adjust since then. Sean's mom came out for a week to help us she leaves Thursday at a really early hour. I am not sure how well I will handle being alone with baby I am worried about a number of things. My anxiety levels are through the roof and nights are more difficult than i lead myself to believe they would be. Last night no one got any sleep because I made the mistake of having a caffinated beverage for dinner, and I think he is a little colicy so he is always uncomfortable. Poor little man.
5 days old and still growing
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Waiting Games Begin
AHHH waiting,there are a number of better things to do then waiting. It's like Christmas eve waiting for manta to come, your so anxious you cant sleep or when you finally do fall asleep you toss and turn and wake up even more tired but you don't care because you know Santa came in the night and left you things to entertain yourself all day regardless how tired you might be. Only with a baby you cant go to bed one night expecting to wake up and have the baby in the morning. If that was the case I would have had the baby on Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Nope still waiting for my little bundle of joy to get here.
Sean got a job offer. We are moving to Harlingen, TX in about a month or so. Yes it's a blessing but at the same time we would both like to get move closer to home, and we know that our families would like us to be closer to them since there is going to be a brand new addition to the family. We are excited about all the adventures we are about to embark on. between baby and moving and starting all over again in a new city a new ward and new starts.
We are ready for a new start and our amazing family to get started.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Yesterday was my 20th Birthday, Wow how time flies, and I am sure my mom is thinking the same thing. My youngest sister is 10 and in the 5th grade, and my middle sister is 14 and a freshman, and me well, I am 20 and going to be a mom myself in the next month or so.
I always wanted to get married and have a family and live a fairy tale, that started with ONCE UPON A TIME... and ended with HAPPILY EVER AFTER...
hey who knew that between the ONCE UPON A TIME and HAPPILY EVER AFTER was hard work and trials. It's taken a lot of give and take and compromise, to work through them and I have discovered that now that I am trying to do the things to get my family on the right path again and to do whats right for me and our future, the adversary is trying so much harder to stand in my way. Starting out small with things like doubt, fear, and mistrust, all of which lead to bigger problems. Questioning things, like my marriage, and why I am stuck in the situation at hand. Why didn't I go back to school? Why did I get pregnant? Why did I get married? I could be out at college with all my friends from high school... When questions and thoughts like that pop into my head I know its time to turn my thoughts off and do something productive and getting my mind on some thing else.
One day while I was cleaning out our office which is now storage/makeshift baby room. I was going through old journals and realized a couple things. 1) had I not gotten married to such a wonderful man when I did my life would have completely fallen apart and who knows where I would have ended up. 2) My mom is my role model, she showed me how to over come many things in my life by holding strong in the lord and setting an example for me and my sisters as we were growing up. I ran across a letter she had written me while I was at girls camp I don't know which year it was but I remember the circumstances under which she wrote the words of comfort and a swift kick in the butt which I needed at the time. Even when I messed up royally she still loved me and had faith in me and was able to tell me the things that I needed to hear to get me to open my eyes and realize what needed to be done. Of course I messed up many times after that but the one thing that I always had was my mom there with a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear and a few words of advice even if it wasn't what I wanted to necessarily hear at the time.
Now even at 20 years old I still need my mommy almost every day weather it be for a question about my pregnancy and a worry that I have at the moment, or just someone to talk to on a bad day. She is still my shoulder and my ear.
I am in the process of going through all of the CLUTTER in my house, finding picutres and letters and silly notes I had written to sean and everytime I find something that makes me pause for a moment, it's like the world shuts down and I remember why him. What about him made me fall in love with him and kept me interested in him even though he was 10 years my senior.
We were talking the other night and I mentioned a big reason that I was so intrigued by him. I have been BOY CRAZY all my life and the funny thing is my in-laws know this first hand, but anyways, to me holding hands a kissing was a normal part of having a boyfriend. Well with Sean there was no holding hands for at least the first few weeks so it was so much more special when it actually did happen. I was suprised with myself I usually am not shy when it comes to kissing boys or showing them I like them. Kissing was something that wasn't casual with Sean. Our first kiss was breath taking (literally) the feelings that I got weren't the normal feelings that I would get when just kissing boys this kiss felt like I had never been kissed before and the world around me just stopped and I never wanted that moment to end. cheesy yes I know but to me that was the most romantic thing that had ever been done for me. I love to think back at those little things that I had over looked once upon a time and really enjoyed experiencing them with him, THE LOVE OF MY LIFE.
Today I have a greater appreciation for the gospel in my life, my family, and the trials that come our way...
Okay Time to get back to cleaning my house :)
<3 bailey family of (almost) 3
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
28 weeks and counting...
Irrational or Rational? that's on my mind today. going into my 3rd trimester I am so freaked out that I wont know when my water breaks or I wont know when I need to call my Dr. or anything like that. I think that my worrying about things like that makes me feel icky because I am stressing out about the small things. I guess I would just like some insight from moms that have been where I am to help calm my fears.
The fourth of July was fun, we got together with some good friends on saturday night and watched the firework display that the city puts on. It was so amazing. On sunday, we had some friends over for dinner and listened to the fireworks from our house, the mosquitos were too bad to sit outside. after the hurricane they came out and have swormed the valley.
On the job front, still nothing yet. there might be a job in the works for the fall, that is if the law firm decides to hire in the fall. If not I am not quite sure what we will do. There are some ideas up in the air but as of yet we haven't decided on anything for sure.
If the job down here decides to hire in the fall I am going to go back to school for sign language interpreting, and the good news is that now that I have Texas residency its affordable even without financial aid. but they do provide daycare assistance. I don't like the idea of putting Jaden in daycare so young but I do need to get my degree and if I do it now it might be easier on him. but then again breast feeding is off the list.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it
Saturday, June 26, 2010
third Tri-mester!!!
Holy Cow, I have come to a time that I never thought would come when I started this pregnancy. I have enjoyed my second trimester, I love watching my belly grow and seeing how much weight I have gained. CRAVINGS I have craved so far doughnuts, and french toast. I am sure there are other things but those are the most recent things. I love learning his schedules when it comes to moving and what not. he is a pretty good baby so far. he sleeps when I do and kickes when I am awake, I love it, if only I knew it would stay like that.
I personally have bought him 2 onsies an 80 dollar crib and a 50 dollar changing table. It is still really wierd and exciting in so many different ways. Its almost overwhelming. Sean (I think) enjoys feeling him kick.
I worry that i wont be a good enough mommy or I wont know what to do in the middle of the night when he is crying and I cant figure out why. Even with all the "training" I have had working with kids I know its going to be different with one of my own that I have all day every day.
I hope you enjoyed the peak into my life.... We are still in need of stuff Thanks
Jordan, Sean and Jaden
Monday, May 17, 2010
21 weeks
So mommy and baby are doing great. mommy is putting on weight, which is funny since I have tried to put it on before and nothing, and now I dont have to do anything and I am gaining a couple a week. I have put on 11 so far in my pregnancy I weigh 123 as of Friday the 14. My mom will be here june 15-19 and we are doing my baby shower I am super excited everything has gone so fast so far, I just cant wait
Thursday, May 6, 2010
19 Weeks pregnant
I go to the Dr. on Friday the 14th I am super thrilled. My dad and aunt and uncle are coming out that weekend. Which again is very exciting. I don't have much to report this time around. My belly is starting to poke out, and so is my belly button. I am working at the daycare from 7-9 then I come home and sleep then I go back from 11-1:30(2) ish
Oh exciting news, if we stay in south texas, I will be looking into school by taking online classes, to be a paralegal possibly i am pretty sure it would be fun, I am interested in law but not enough to be a lawyer, So I think it would be good for me and I think I can do it.
Till laters
Monday, April 12, 2010
16 weeks Pregnant
I am at the in-between stage of pregnancy, I am not getting much of a belly, but i dont feel pregnant. In all honesty I worry about the baby since I am not puking to remind me or in better words prove to me that I am still pregnant. I just have to go off of faith and the fact that I haven't had any miscarriage signs. I know I am a worry wort, but this gives me a way to talk about it and not feel silly about worrying. Oh I love my Blog. Something else along those same lines, we haven't been getting baby stuff because Sean didn't want to get baby stuff and when we finally sat down and talked about it. He came clean and said that he was worried that something could still happen to the baby, and we would have baby stuff laying around the house. Now that we have talked about it and cleared the air, we have ok'ed the buying of baby stuff if found at a bargin, but with that said and done, it raised fears of my own that I had swallowed and ignored. The short being I have not even looked into baby bargins. I have simply asked people to donate to the bailey family(us)
Sean is still looking for work anywhere, his job is done in August, and I am due in September, So finding something is crucial at the moment. he is worried and him being worried worries me which isn't necessarily the best thing for me to do at this point. If you have any tips or leads for sean let us know thank.
Doctors appointment on friday, no ultrasound they will schedual one two weeks after that i will be 18 weeks and they will look for the sex and check the babies kidney functions.
I shall keep you updated :)
Bailey Famiy of 2.5
Sean is still looking for work anywhere, his job is done in August, and I am due in September, So finding something is crucial at the moment. he is worried and him being worried worries me which isn't necessarily the best thing for me to do at this point. If you have any tips or leads for sean let us know thank.
Doctors appointment on friday, no ultrasound they will schedual one two weeks after that i will be 18 weeks and they will look for the sex and check the babies kidney functions.
I shall keep you updated :)
Bailey Famiy of 2.5
Friday, March 19, 2010
Baby update 12w 6d
so the baby and i are just fine, i got a whole lot of blood work done today, and have to get an ekg because,the doctor is worried about my heart rate there is nothing final but i do have high blood pressure, and so she is keeping an eye on me. Other than that everything is going swimmingly. the baby and i are awesome.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
more family stuff
Dr.'s Appointment tomorrow 9 am and 9:30am there will be an ultasound and routine exam nothing to worry about:)
I have found a new job. I am a nanny, I work Monday and Tuesday from 7am-7pm and thursday over night 7pm-7am and thats it. today the nausea has been horrible for tired, and nausea but i hope in a month it will get better. that would be awesome. i am either 8 weeks and 4 days or 8 weeks and 1 day, either way i am not showing at all except when i eat, which is normal as i understand, sorry the grammar and everything isn't so great i got my nails done on saturday, and typing with them isnt all that easy.
Hot flashes is that normal? I am always getting hot and cold.
I have found a new job. I am a nanny, I work Monday and Tuesday from 7am-7pm and thursday over night 7pm-7am and thats it. today the nausea has been horrible for tired, and nausea but i hope in a month it will get better. that would be awesome. i am either 8 weeks and 4 days or 8 weeks and 1 day, either way i am not showing at all except when i eat, which is normal as i understand, sorry the grammar and everything isn't so great i got my nails done on saturday, and typing with them isnt all that easy.
Hot flashes is that normal? I am always getting hot and cold.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Baby Update
So I have a Dr. appointment on thursday the 18th we are going to do an ultrasound which is exciting :) I have been feeling a little worse progressivly and I wish it would get better, I think that when I go back to the doctor to ask for some medecine to help. I am looking for another job, I have an interview tomorrow for a temp agency. I ahve decided that if I am left alone at work on thursday then i am going to just quit and not go back after valentines day. if anyone has any advice on babies, or quitting a job on the spot. please please jet me know. I am so excited for this amazing step on our life. I am so greatful for our friends and family support.
Love ya all
Jordan Bailey
Love ya all
Jordan Bailey
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Our Newest Additon
So I am pregnant, expecting, have a bun in the oven, and all those fun ways of saying i am having a baby. Wow I never thought this day would come, or at least not this soon. I am esitmated at being 6 weeks and 5 days as of January 27,2010. :) I wont have a definate due date until I get ultrasounds. Which seems so far away. morning sickness in my case should be called night time sickness, or bed time sickness. which seems to be getting a little better, my pre-natals help much more then I have been told they would. which leads me to my next topic. Horror stories and "advice" I dont know how many times I have called my mom asking if something so and so told me was true. Not that I dont mind advice but the riduculus stuff just makes me roll my eyes. like today I was told that donuts and french fries give you cancer :) oh I love the valley and the stories some of my parents tell me at the daycare. Being pregnant has been an adventure and its only been 6 weeks I cant wait to see where the next 7.5 months take us. closer as a couple and a family... comments and advice is always welcome and wanted.
Bailey family
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